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KIT-intel-HPE CoE

Establishment of a Center of Excellence for High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence Research and Education

Kumoh National Institute of Technology – Intel – Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Memorandum of Understanding

Kumoh National Institute of Technology (hereinafter referred to as “KIT”), Intel Korea Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “INTEL”), and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Korea Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “HPE”) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (Memorandum of Understanding) for the establishment of a Center of Excellence (tentative name) for high-performance computing and artificial intelligence research and education.

Scope of Cooperation
  • Provide facilities and space for the installation and operation of the “CoE.”
  • Actively cooperate in setting up high-performance computing and artificial intelligence-related education and research tasks to be conducted at the “CoE” and in holding joint technology seminars.
  • Test evaluation products provided by “INTEL” and “HPE” and share the test results.
  • Hold meetings twice a year for “CoE” operation review.
  • Support education courses related to high-performance computing and artificial intelligence research agreed upon with “KIT.”
  • Provide sample products for evaluation purpose to the “CoE” for a certain period of time (The specific products and evaluation period shall be determined separately by agreement.)
  • Actively cooperate in holding joint technology seminars related to high-performance computing and artificial intelligence to be held at “CoE”.
  • Participate in meetings for management of “CoE” operation review.